Thursday, June 10, 2010

My mom is better than Emily's and Lauriann's

This summer I was able to go spend a week and a half with my family, but mostly my mom. The boys decided to leave so it was me and her. We did not complain! We did all the fun girl stuff. We went up to Edwards and saw Letters to Juliette, after we had enjoyed a great dinner at a Chinese restaurant. It was a great chick flick! I had already seen it so I mostly liked watching my moms reactions to the movie. We also went and saw Prince of Persia, it was a boy movie but we both loved it! It had a lot of action in it, so we got our boy fix for the week. It also had some chickness to it so it all worked out.

I am kind of a good luck charm. We were coming home from shopping at Costco, when out of no where my mom got rear ended. It was a three car wreck. At first Captain Kri was like oh it is not even that bad, lets just keep going. Then we stopped and got out. The whole trunk was shot. Luckily Max and Tabolts (they spelled it wrong) graduation cake was totally fine. However Talbots gift was stuck in the truck. My dad had to come pry it open to save it. It wasn't that bad of a wreck for us, the guy in the middle had taken out the back window with his head and was transported to the hospital. The guy that caused it all was really nice and I just felt bad for him. It all worked out though. It needed to happen because we were short on drama and laughter ever since all of the spring television show finales. We needed a little spice in our lives!

We also went out shopping. We needed to find my mom a hot dress for a wedding she will be attending with the Mayor. We found a few that made my mom look hot! I thought about entering her in date my mom... Shopping took up a lot of our time.

One night we babysat some fish, not to be confused with the reptile, but the actual children. We took one of the girls to her dance class, and little did we know that her dance teacher was mine when I was little. It was a nice flash back. It was their picture day so they were all in their cute little cheerleading outfits. I have never seen cheerleaders look so innocent.

While I watched the two little ones mom took the two older ones up to the mountain, and apparently they ran up it. It makes me think my mom is a good mom because helps you try new things and helps you finish them. I only know this because the next Sunday mom made Max and I climb the same hill. Not only did we not run up it but we had to take breaks. Max even held moms hand the whole way up. I would have never had gone unless she had persuaded us, and made us keep going. In the end we happy, and sore.

My Mom is better than Emily's and LauriAnn's because I got to spend a week and half with her all by my self. She had someone to watch her weird running foreign films with no ending, she had someone to drive around and look at houses with. My moms the best just cause she is the best, she is indescribable!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

On the Monday on my Spring break, I headed to the Logan Hospital for my 4th I am racking them up! After having a HIDAscan (a radioactive gallbladder test) they decided it was a good idea to take that out along with my appendix, and do a complete upper and lower exploratory surgery. The HIDA scan, was sweet, I went in and laid on a table for two and half hours, whiles my doctor (bret) injected radioactive material in to my body through an IV, it was okay though, I had a flexible catheter. Doctor Bret and I watched curling the entire time. It was during the last 20 mins I started to feel some pain, however my flow rate % was a 59, the lowest you should have is a 55%.

I was then sent to a surgeon, where he decided to do the works. I went into on Monday, with my mom, where we started the process of getting dressed, getting the IV's and the medicine. There were about 15 people my age that were in there that day, one of them was my friend from school! It was a great bonding experience (he had his acl done).

I was wheeled into the operation room, they started to give me the good stuff, I love being put out!!! Then they put in a breathing tube, and continued to make 5 incisions(which when I took the bandages off I realized it was 6), they took my appendix out. Turns out I have had chronic appendicitis for a very long time (it had been getting bad slowly over the last year), and it would have burst the week after anyway. I felt vindicated that something was wrong, and I did not feel sick for nothing! Then the Doctor took out my gallbladder, which turned out to have fibromatosis all over it. The Fibromatosis all over, was small soft tissue tumors all over it, and that is why that hurt! They checked EVERYTHING else and did not find anything!!!

The recovery was long, and not very fun. First of all Logan hospital kicked me out as fast as they could. They sat me in a recliner and left me to get dressed. My mom goes to pull the handle to sit me back up, and it was a complete replay of Sweet Home Alabama's scene where the mom flies back in the chair. It was super painful, my mom started to laugh, and said sorry. It was worst cause I started to laugh and cry at the same time....classic move.

Then Uncle Bret who is a very habitual person, let me stay in his room that night at my grandmas. Little did I know, he would come into the room every ten mins during the night and yell at me "Clare go home"... Finally my mom laid a pillow out in front of the door and slept on the floor. It was the longest night of my life... Not only did I not sleep, but I threw up at least 13 times through the afternoon and night just to wake up to do more.

We got in the car to go to Boise, after I got nausea medicine, my favorite. It was a long drive, but I enjoyed being in my own bed :)
I then spent the rest of my Spring Break watching tv and movies with my mom... The best part of all of this is..... I FEEL BETTER!!!!

The constant pain, that felt like I was being punched in the stomach over and over again, was gone. I can now eat food that I could not before and be pretty much fine. I have not tried everything, but my spirits are up and I feel like a new person. It still hurts occasionally, however my mom said all people have some pain. Overall, I am super happy that I lost 8 pounds and have some new sweet scars :0 oh boy do I know how to spend my spring break......

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

4th Semester!

I am already two weeks into the semester and wish it was over! The classes are intense...well for me. Some of you have seen the show Community, think back to the episode of the film class. The teacher who is all about Carpe Diem, I have 4 teachers like that this semester, and honestly it is tiring. I have started my computer science C++ course which is literally learning a new language, but it is better then English if you ask me! I have about 6 assignments a week in that class and it takes about 2-3 hours each. The other classes I am taking are a History of Europe or something, Political Science, and Intercultural Communication. Hopefully what teachers say will happen, "History repeats itself," then I can just pay attention to the news and pass! (maybe)

I am still working with the little first graders, I have 34 now! One little girl came up to me and said she had to call her mom because her boyfriend wants her to come over and they just started being that today. (She is like 7, I don't even have a boyfriend) However I marvel how excited she was that she wanted to call her mom and tell her.

Also I have still been trying to figure out what is wrong with my body! I just pride myself in the fact that I have had more ultra sounds than a pregnant person, suckka! Anyways they have had no results, all I need is Dr. House.

Just an update, and I cant wait till i graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!