Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break Part: Jackie

This is the Portland Temple.
I thought it was really pretty.
Portland was a nice place but strangely I don't like it that much not because it is really pretty and green. However the rain really hurt my feet, the screws in it kept my foot cold. I honestly did not have warm feet once while I was there, it hurt alot. The green was pretty though, and a nice change from all of the SNOW!
This is Mt. Rainier, my new fascination I honestly want to die this way, get blown up by a volcano. Weird maybe, but definitely historical!

This was my first ride on the "MAX" train system thing... It was quite the adventure indeed.

This is the biggest bookstore in the west, POWELL'S. It was in down town Portland. If one person in my entire life that should be jealous its my mom... I even went in! (more to come in part:jason)

1 comment:

LauriAnn said...

Where is spring break part:LauriAnn?