Saturday, November 15, 2008

ROAD TRIP.... boyzeee idaho

One weekend I decided to take Jackie and Rica down to Boise, to show them my hometown...
I think that they are completely converted to boisizum now and will never turn back. This was my first trip home, we made it there and back only getting flipped off 3 times and almost hitting two dogs on the highway, and we did hit a chicken on the highway, how it got there we have no idea...

After getting my snow tires on and checking out the new Forever 21 in Boise, we went to the BSU vs USU game. It was a close game and we were definitely on the edge of our seats (donated by usu football players thank you). I mean we scored twice, and I honestly think that BSU was getting a little worried, I mean if they lost to USU what would they do, not wear orange and blue anymore.... now that would be a good thing!

While they were in Boise, I took them to all of the hot sights. This is a picture at the TOP of Simplots Hill, we climbed it in the rain and dark, we know you can't really see the city, but why is that important we you can see us?

Another bonus of this trip home, was I got to see one of my best freinds, Nic! We decied that it was most important to teach my roomates about Merrits.... Home of the Scones!!!
That is us enjoying some lemon nuggets... it got a litle messy but it was so worth it!

This is jackie and Rica, Pre-Scones, Jackie was waiting so hard core and was so excited, rica was as well... I think that the overdid them selves and showed that they to are really good at eating scones.
Note to Self- Merrits it a pretty trashy place, it has the best scones in the world, open 24 hours a day, has a Jukebox and the waiters are classy and it is just the best night life I have found in Boise!

A romance began on this trip, a very unexpected one at that to. We honestly could not keep my little brother away from Jackie, and the crazy thing was, she kept going back for more! They are so cute togehter, this is there engagement photo, (in a few years max still needs to graduate and go on a mission) but I am fairly sure that she will wait for him and meet him white. They are just a match made in heave, I mean they even ordered the same food, and max already likes the smell of her hair. However they did reach a rocky spot when we were eating Sunday Dinner... After flirting for 2 days striaght, Max lost it once. Jackie accidently dropped her fork at the dinner table and the first thing anyone says is Max replying "THATS EMBARASSING...." then could not stop laughing... It was probably the most funny thing ever...

These are the good byes... So sad, maybe the sad fact is that my mother and I can not keep our eyes open for a picture or that Max kept insisting to take the picture in front of the oven so that he could remeber the last "time" he saw Jackie or that when my family does the wave every single picture we took they were off.
Overall, this trip was an extreme success! The drive home was a little bad, it was foggy and raining and sleeting, otherwise Rica and Jackie and I had an amazing trip, and after spending time with my family they quote unqoute said. "Clare we now know why the way you are, but in a good way."
Loves IT

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