So Emily came up to visit for the weekend, and this is what happens all Hell breaks loose. Okay well close enough... She taught us to blow fire, using Corn Starch (you pour like a whole mouthful in your pie hole) and then you light a match and blow into it! It was pretty legit, we tried to do the four cousin thing, but it didn't work out to much. This was a crazy weekend, we helped decorate the Logan Tabernacle and then went to Forever Strong and very VERY good movie, Emily even cried. Also we went shopping, showed up looking trashey at a wedding shower and then went to wingers. It was a fun weekend, ALSO I would just like to testify of how proud I am of my sister from really coming home from her mission :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Gangsta PaartA
Straight up Thug

So mainly, these pictures are for you to enjoy, I only had the ones of myself, go figure my mom always did say I was a little shallow...
But as to add to our "great brains" I attended a gangster party, it was a bust, no one came it was just Jackie, Rica, and I... LAME but it was most definitely a great great experience to dress up and go to the colors dance as well. We went as straight up G's who can complain, I mean honestly it would be a treat rather then a threat to meet us in a dark ally....
Three Month Annivsary!
We did it! Jackie and I have now been living for three months, we celibrated our 3 month annivsary on November 16, 2008. We regret to have announced this earlier to recieve gifts and acceptance. However we managed to celibrate with a little something... Some Martinellis! We were mainly trying to creep our other roommates out, which I think we did with flying colors as you can tell through out these pictures. Good thing Jacie and I hated eachother at the begining, and now we are celbrating with fake wine glasses who would have guessed...
Luckily we will be able to enjoy and further our freindship when she marrys my little brother Max, because frankly thats hot...
Holiday Special!
Holiday Special...
So here at Utah State, we use our "great brains" to develop great them parties. This one may or may not be one of my favorites, it was dress up as your favorite holiday. Rica and I decided to put our new hot Santa socks to good use and went as "Feliza Natividad." We may or may not have been the hottest girls there. We had some random comments adding to that so we will just leave it at that.
Also this night, we went over and enjoyed a great meal prepared my brother Mitch, a curry fest! It was interesting, we smelt like that for days maybe we still will for weeks, but it was a fun event to spend with him and his roommates, there is always an adventure in store for you at their house!

ME- Felize, Josh- Marde Grais, Rica-Navidad, Stu- Valentines Day, Kyle-Arbor Day, Mitch-Father time, Alli- presant slash Christmas, Summer- firework!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
ROAD TRIP.... boyzeee idaho
One weekend I decided to take Jackie and Rica down to Boise, to show them my hometown...
I think that they are completely converted to boisizum now and will never turn back. This was my first trip home, we made it there and back only getting flipped off 3 times and almost hitting two dogs on the highway, and we did hit a chicken on the highway, how it got there we have no idea...
After getting my snow tires on and checking out the new Forever 21 in Boise, we went to the BSU vs USU game. It was a close game and we were definitely on the edge of our seats (donated by usu football players thank you). I mean we scored twice, and I honestly think that BSU was getting a little worried, I mean if they lost to USU what would they do, not wear orange and blue anymore.... now that would be a good thing!
After getting my snow tires on and checking out the new Forever 21 in Boise, we went to the BSU vs USU game. It was a close game and we were definitely on the edge of our seats (donated by usu football players thank you). I mean we scored twice, and I honestly think that BSU was getting a little worried, I mean if they lost to USU what would they do, not wear orange and blue anymore.... now that would be a good thing!
While they were in Boise, I took them to all of the hot sights. This is a picture at the TOP of Simplots Hill, we climbed it in the rain and dark, we know you can't really see the city, but why is that important we you can see us?
Another bonus of this trip home, was I got to see one of my best freinds, Nic! We decied that it was most important to teach my roomates about Merrits.... Home of the Scones!!!
That is us enjoying some lemon nuggets... it got a litle messy but it was so worth it!
This is jackie and Rica, Pre-Scones, Jackie was waiting so hard core and was so excited, rica was as well... I think that the overdid them selves and showed that they to are really good at eating scones.
Note to Self- Merrits it a pretty trashy place, it has the best scones in the world, open 24 hours a day, has a Jukebox and the waiters are classy and it is just the best night life I have found in Boise!
A romance began on this trip, a very unexpected one at that to. We honestly could not keep my little brother away from Jackie, and the crazy thing was, she kept going back for more! They are so cute togehter, this is there engagement photo, (in a few years max still needs to graduate and go on a mission) but I am fairly sure that she will wait for him and meet him white. They are just a match made in heave, I mean they even ordered the same food, and max already likes the smell of her hair. However they did reach a rocky spot when we were eating Sunday Dinner... After flirting for 2 days striaght, Max lost it once. Jackie accidently dropped her fork at the dinner table and the first thing anyone says is Max replying "THATS EMBARASSING...." then could not stop laughing... It was probably the most funny thing ever...
These are the good byes... So sad, maybe the sad fact is that my mother and I can not keep our eyes open for a picture or that Max kept insisting to take the picture in front of the oven so that he could remeber the last "time" he saw Jackie or that when my family does the wave every single picture we took they were off.
Overall, this trip was an extreme success! The drive home was a little bad, it was foggy and raining and sleeting, otherwise Rica and Jackie and I had an amazing trip, and after spending time with my family they quote unqoute said. "Clare we now know why the way you are, but in a good way."
Loves IT
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Homecoming Week at USU 2008!
To start the week off, we attended what is formally known as the paint dance. They had a huge tent set up where you could go and get paint and splatter it everywhere over everyone and then dance. However it got a little out of hand, people stole the gallon's of paint and then poured them everywhere, we were scraping paint out of the grass. It was an extremely fun dance! Also they painted the entire 700 north road, with clubs names and all the activities painted on the street. It is a great tradition.
This was part of our paint team. We were pretty hardcore, it was intense. It literaly took me an 1:10 to take a shower and be able to come through my hair. Jackie and I still to this day have paint in our hair. I had to walk around for two day's with blue money signs on my arms. Apparently spray paint isn't just wash off...
With my role in leadership house, and a minor spot on the traditions board I had to do my civic duty and do service. So I chose to help do what I was good at, so frankly being Clare. I was an escort for two boys at the Mr. USU pageant. This is Brett Healy, I was his escort. This event was hilarious!
This was my dinner dress, I didn't get any picture with my date, but he took me out to Olive Garden and we enjoyed some soup, salad and bread sticks! After we attended the dance, where we literally danced the night away. It was packed, they had three floors of music, and had an 18 piece jazz band!
Overall, Homecoming was a great success, the next night we went to another dance, so we totaled 3 dances in one week, good call.....
We were just really good at celebrating this university tradition.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Seattle Washington, Fall Break
Clare's Happy Early 19th Birthday!!!
One of the things I got to experience was a Ferry Boat ride, every since I had seen Grey's Anatomy I have had the desire to ride one. The one we went on was called the Walla Walla, it was amazing to have the cold sea breeze in your hair. I most admit that I was a little scared that it was going to crash, but it would have been nice to tour the Seattle Grace Hospital, which I also found out that it is not real.
The ferry took us to Port Townsend, it is a small pirate town. The entire time I was lucky enough to listen to see who was more or a pirate, LauriAnn or Joe. In the end I still think I won. We toured the town, and it was really nice to walk around a small town and see the small town folk. We then ate lunch at a 50's diner. I had a vanilla Phosphate, it was tasty.
We also scored a lot of sea shells on the beach, it was quite they day of adventures!
We also scored a lot of sea shells on the beach, it was quite they day of adventures!
This is me on a beach at sunset, it was hot! Canada is in the background, you can kind of see it. This was a really nice place to! It was right by a light house, I was able to take Deavers Christmas picture, it defiantly was one for the books.
My Favorite
Madison: "Clare where you going now?" (as I was packing to leave)
Clare: "I am going back to college."
Madison: "Oh back to all the boys?"
They also have a place matt with all of the presidents pictures and names on it, so at breakfast I was like Madison which one are you, and she pointed to the right one, then I asked thinking she wouldn't know which one was Hayes, and she points to the right one. AND THEN, she looks at me and goes Clare which one are you, and all I say is I wasn't named after a president. And she just replies "oh you didn't run yet?"-ha ha
But anyways it was a really fun birthday trip and I was glad to go and see that side of the fam again! They were all great fun, and we made lots of trips to Starbucks, and did lots and lots of shopping. We also at at Taste of India, it is rated in the Zygote (GILMORE GIRLS) where I tried Coconut Chicken Curry, it was yum yum!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
During Conference Weekend, my little brother Max came to experience college life as he is pondering where to further his education in two years. He attended what Utah State does best, a football game. He was lucky enough to catch the USU vs BYU game, where we beat UCLA and scored twice almost three times. I think he just loved it! Our favorite sign on our side was "BYU keeps the ugly girls out of Utah State" so true... Anyways this is just Max and I doing what we do best, our scary faces, we are widely known for them... It was great to see little Max and have someone to tease for the weekend, I miss that.
Along with the football game and Max, pretty much the entire family came up for conference to enjoy a "fo Thanksgiving" dinner. During one of the breaks of conference we went up to the canyon to do as we were told take a few pictures... We might have gone over board by a few but we are just listening to our leaders. It was so pretty with all the fall colors out. The Thanksgiving dinner was delicious, and I am just so lucky to be able to celebrate it twice this year!
It was also a blessing to see my family again, it is crazy how things change and some things don't.
The Apple Pi Forority Party: Dress to Impress
Jackie and I went to this party and had another blast with our frort brothers. It was slow a first but turned out to be a dang good party. There was a good ole' dance fest going on in the living room and a chocolate fountain and homemade rootbeer keg in the kitchen. There were about 150 people that trudged through, and we were able to raise over $100 for Aggies for Africa through differnt means such as "Action for Africa" and a date auction. I helped in raising $26 of it.
I dressed up as a impressive japenese rain, and jackie was a teacher. We came to impress and turned out the best....
Well simply Mitch, is just good at what he does, he is the spitting image of Snoop Dogg or a Serial Killer. He had a nice grill though. He spent all day cleaning and making cookies, the party was amazing thanks to him!
unfourtnatly, it has already started to snow here. This was us trying to stop the snow, but in the end we had to subject to it and enjoy it. The weather is crazy cold here. I have been wearing long johns for 2 days straight,per posedw gross, but warm! Anyways, life in the LLC is going great, I just perposed the idea of valet parking for our covered parking, because we are worth it to. I am thinking that they will get on this soon. We live in the LLC we can not be expected to take the elevator up 5 floors because we parked on the first floor. We should be treated better....
Love the Drama.....
Sunday, September 28, 2008
So after our first week, we decided to do what we are good at. We went shopping at GATEWAY, it was the most spiritual thing i have attended here so far. We all fit in a tiny car and had Jace drive us to Salt Lake, where we shopped for almost 5 hours and spent an unmentionalbe amount of money for college students, but its okay because we live in the LLC.
During the first two weeks of school, we attended maybe 6 dances. This was one of the flavors, the 80's dance! We ratted our hair high and wore some hot clothes, we originally took pictures of our parents to the D.I to pick out outfits, so in the end it was picture perfect.
At Aggie blue(longest leadership conference of my life), me and my Jo Hardy's window group (we shared everything about our life, really everything) got really close. The Sig Ep Boys Held a Jumpathon, where they jumped on tramps for like 72 hours straight or something... Our BFF for life Amy played her Geetar at the event so we went out to support! She was amazing and she is going to be pro some day!
This was a really fun date, we ended the night with spelunkers? Mitch's own creation of desert which was really tasty, and while they all enjoyed ice cream, Mitch supplied me with "rice dream" what a kind brother.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Fresh outta the Oven...
This is for those who watched me grow and now miss me this is for you, I am sure there are many of you!I am in my freshman year at Utah State University, I have found that college is hard.Not only the classes but living with 5 other girls is quite the experience.
The roommates:
Jackie- Jackie is my actual roommate, she is from Portland Oregon "she is dang freaking hot"- Jackie newton... We have shared some really special moments so far She is a mix between my little brother Max (last child syndrome) and Dwight Shrutte. For example last night I was sitting at my desk and I was doing my homework like a good girl should do! The corner of one of my assignments was hanging onto her desk, she out of no where got her scissors out and cut the corner off and handed it to me and told me not to put things on her desk. Good thing it was just a connections assignment. I like her I guess, she is the Relief Society 1st councilor of relief society A she is kind of a big deal here... She is also on the Apple Pi Forority Party Planning Commity.
the Apple Pi Forority. She is also really good at Betos runs!
DISNEY- Now if you have ever been to "Disney land" it is just about the same experience of meeting the actual Disney. She is a portable party. She can correctly impersonate a Dinosaur. She gets her own room but it is lonely. She is good at working at Great Harvest Bread Co. and really good at bringing me free sandwiches. Also we shared a special moment while cleaning up our vandalism with our shorts... that is another story for not online... P.S She is from LAYTON UT
Renee- She is interesting :) just kidding, she loves all animals and will not eat them. She is currently looking into buying a pet cow and naming it Maybelle. This cow will not be a milking cow, she can't wait to take it on walks everyday on a leash. She is extremely smart, she is learning Chinese right now and just aced her first test, kudos to her! She has a boyfriend named Bryce, he usually just hides in the closet... She already has her associates degree and will be going to China this summer for school! She is also from Layton Ut, but was born and raised in the SOUTH!
Well this is just the beginning- We have had many adventures together, and as of now we are trying to get MTV to sponsor our show College: Drama in the LLC on TV, it is a work in progress.
The main reason for this show and blog is because we are the leadership house, and you can only image the drama that goes on, lucky for you I will keep you updated!
That's hot
love F101 Bad
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